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To establish the framework for the administration of fee assessment, fee payment and refunding of fees.


This policy applies to all full- and part-time domestic and international students registered in a program or a course at Sterling Technical Training Centre

Key Definitions

Full-time student

An individual who is registered in at least 70 per cent of the scheduled contact hours of an approved program.


Funds owed to Sterling Technical Training Centre prior to registration, including the tuition deposit, tuition and, if applicable, program fees.

Academic year

Three consecutive terms of study beginning in January, April, and September.


  1. General

1.1 Tuition fees are recommended by the centre manager in accordance with the Training Centre tuition fee structure and are approved by the Board of directors.

1.2 Program fees are established by the programs for specific materials not covered by tuition but are required to complete the program successfully.

1.3 All tuition-related fees must be paid by the due dates as outlined in the important dates schedule published on the centre website and social medial platforms for each term. Payment received after the published deadlines are subject to late fee charges. If fees and/or fines remain unpaid after the published deadlines, enrolment restrictions will be applied and can include loss of system access and withholding of official transcripts and credentials.

  1. Paying Fees

2.1 When fees are due for an entire academic year, students may opt to pay full or use an installment payment plan for only one academic term at a time. All the fees payment more than D500.00 must be deposited to the Centre bank account.

For students commencing in September, three instalments will be payable as follows:

  1. i) The first instalment payable in 50% before start of the program
  2. ii) The second instalment payable in 30% after 3 months into program.

iii) The third instalment payable in 20% before course work completion.

Sponsored students

Where a course fee is paid for in part or full by an organisation, the student must provide a purchase order or sponsorship letter from the organisation on or before enrolment.

Organisations will be invoiced following the enrolment of a student and payment of fees is due immediately. Where tuition fees are not paid on time, the Centre reserves the right to charge interest on any overdue debt each month until the debt is paid.

10.4 Refunds Policy

The structure of refunds upon withdrawal will be as follows, based on the assumption that 100% of the fee has been paid:

  1. i) Official withdrawal during any part of the first month of the start date of the course: 70% refundable.
  2. ii) Official withdrawal after the second month of the start date of the course: no refunds will be made.

The right to levy penalties for non-payment

It is a term of the contract with the Centre that the student will ensure that all tuition fees and other expenses relating to the course are paid. Where the student has failed to pay their fees/ expenses in accordance with the contract, the Centre reserves the right to impose penalties.

In all cases the Centre will ensure that the penalty is proportionate to the student’s default.

Graduation and award certificates

A student who has outstanding tuition fee debt to the centre will not be permitted to attend any graduation or awards ceremonies and certificates and transcripts will be withheld until all tuition fee debts to the centre are paid in full.